Watermelon for palestine

A genocide is currently unfolding in Palestine, with the imperial West playing an active role

This isn't a conflict; it's a systematic act of mass killing. I was compelled to pen this as a compassionate human being with a beating heart. What about you? Does your heart resonate with this plight?

In the midst of the Palestinian crisis, a devastating tragedy is unfolding, and the Western world is not just an observer; it is actively participating. This is not a typical conflict; it's a distressing occurrence of mass violence. As I share these words, I am driven by the empathy of a fellow human with a beating heart, and I urge you to scrutinize your own emotions.

The situation in Palestine has escalated into nothing short of a genocide. According to Al Jazeera, Israel has eased its military rules of engagement, essentially permitting its troops to target any individual in Gaza during their ground operations. Israeli leaders and military personnel openly discuss reducing Gaza to ruins, erasing the Palestinian presence, and envisioning Israeli settlers on what was once Gaza. Palestinians are methodically deprived of life's necessities - sustenance, water, shelter, and medical assistance. Airstrikes indiscriminately rain down, causing fatalities and injuries. Palestinians are compelled to abandon their residences in northern Gaza, with Israel's apparent objective of colonizing the region and expelling its current inhabitants.

Scholars who study mass atrocities have long contended that these atrocities seldom arise from a solitary malevolent leader or a small extremist faction. Genocides typically thrive with significant support, either through active involvement or silent acquiescence. What is remarkable in this instance is the unprecedented level of open and active backing for this genocide from various parties in North America, Western Europe, and beyond.

For genocide to take place, two crucial components are required: the tangible capability to execute it and the capacity to disguise it as something else. The Western world plays a role in both aspects.

In terms of tangible capability, the United States has dispatched not one but two aircraft carriers to the region, leaving no doubt that it will employ its entire military might against anyone assisting Palestinians in their struggle against Israel's genocidal actions. The United Kingdom has also sent naval support in support of this imperial threat. The U.S. continues to provide Israel with military equipment, refraining from calling for a ceasefire or de-escalation. Corporations and economic institutions offer financial support, frequently under the pretext of aiding Israeli victims, and purportedly provide incentives to Egypt to host Palestinian refugees who cannot return to Gaza. Years of Western support have enabled Israel to carry out this genocide.

In terms of concealment, political, media, social, and cultural institutions in the West labor tirelessly to obscure this genocide, portraying it as a just act to protect a victimized Jewish population. Those who express support for Palestine face the threat of losing their jobs, legal repercussions, and other punitive measures. The media shifts blame onto Hamas for civilian casualties, absolving themselves of responsibility for the genocide. The Israeli operation is depicted as a mission to "eliminate Hamas," rather than what it truly represents: the genocide of the Palestinian people and their eradication from the map. Dissenting voices are marginalized, silenced, and excluded from platforms.

Fundamentally, Western establishment institutions are unified in facilitating the genocide of Palestinians, all under the pretext of safeguarding "civilization" from "barbarism."

As I pen these words, I am filled with apprehension for what the future holds. The suffering endured by Palestinians is already beyond description, and the prospects appear even grimmer. In times such as these, the truth becomes strikingly apparent. The imperial West remains steadfast in its pursuit of the same imperial project it initiated in the late 15th century. While methods and actors have evolved, the fundamental values of power and wealth persist.

This imperial project has a history of brutalizing Black Africans, perpetrating genocide against Indigenous peoples across the globe, and establishing colonies through brutality and force. The Western world has a long history of violence, and nowhere is it more evident today than in Palestine.

The world is coming to the realization that we do not exist within a system of nation-states but under an imperial order where the West holds dominion. White supremacy endures, and the Euro-American empire asserts its authority as the rulers of the world, often through force and violence.

To transition beyond this era of colonial modernity, the world must expel Western European and North American states from global politics and economics. This pertains to the states that primarily serve the interests of Euro-American powers and elites, rather than the people. People across the globe should disengage from a system that primarily benefits these powers, not only for the sake of Palestine but for their own dignity and freedom.

Individuals from Europe and North America can contribute to creating a better world by actively participating in dismantling the imperial world order that primarily serves their political and economic elites. It is time to collaborate as equals with the rest of the world, rather than acting as overlords. For both them and the Israeli populace, engaging in this decolonization endeavor is the path to avoid the historical fate of eventual violent replacement by new rulers.


Envision the child who has become a victim as your own, picture the woman in distress as your wife or mother. Would you remain silent then?

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